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Affordable Solutions for Every Budget

Unlock the full potential of your business. Invest in a professional online presence without breaking the bank. Our flexible pricing plans are designed to meet your unique needs. Just pay the low monthly price for 12 months!


    Every month
    Perfect for budding businesses looking to establish their online presence
    Valid for 12 months
    • 5 Page Website
    • Basic Branding
    • Basic SEO Optimization
    • Google Analytics Integration
    • Google My Business Setup
    • Social Media Integration
    • Responsive Design (Mobile-Friendly)
    • Content Management System (CMS)
    • Email Accounts with Custom Domain Name
    • Website Hosting and Backups
    • Ongoing Support and Maintenance
  • Popular


    Every month
    Tailored for businesses on the rise, offering a more comprehensive set of features
    Valid for 12 months
    • Up to 10 Pages
    • Custom Website Design
    • E-commerce Integration (Up to 10 Products)
    • On-Page SEO Optimization
    • Google Analytics Integration
    • Google My Business Setup
    • Social Media Integration
    • Responsive Design (Mobile-Friendly)
    • Content Management System (CMS)
    • Email Accounts with Custom Domain Name
    • Website Hosting and Backups
    • Ongoing Support and Maintenance

    Every month
    Designed for established enterprises seeking robust online solutions & extensive features
    Valid for 12 months
    • Unlimited Pages
    • Fully Custom Website Design
    • Professional Branding Package
    • Advanced Contact/Lead Capture Forms
    • Robust E-commerce Solution (Unlimited Products)
    • Comprehensive SEO Optimization (On-Page & Off-Page)
    • Google Analytics Integration
    • Google My Business Setup
    • Social Media Integration
    • Responsive Design (Mobile-Friendly)
    • Content Management System (CMS)
    • Email Accounts with Custom Domain Name
    • Website Hosting and Backups
    • Ongoing Support and Maintenance
  • Website Support & Maintenance Plan

    Every month
    Ensure your website stays secure, up-to-date, and performing at its best. This plan is required for all website purchases to maintain optimal functionality and security.
    • Regular Software Updates
    • Website Backups
    • Security Monitoring
    • Performance Optimization
    • Content Updates
    • Monthly Reports
    • SEO Monitoring
    • Uptime Monitoring
    • Third-Party Integration Support
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